Reaching and Discipling Youth

YUMI Director Kevin Good is passionate about reaching and discipling urban youth. After a successful summer working with urban youth outreaches, Kevin Good will be partnering with urban churches and leaders on their fall programs. BALM's YUMI (Youth Urban Ministry Institute) will offer workshops to help pastors and MBS students who struggle with these questions: How can I reach out and make disciples of youth and families in my community? Should I start a church-based ministry, or do we need to start a non-profit? How do I grow this with volunteers?

 Kevin says, “Less-resourced urban churches are in communities where youth have limited support systems to meet their educational, character, and faith needs. The gospel is for the hope, healing and flourishing of Baltimore. How do we help church leaders flesh that out?” Reaching these youth is an important aspect of BALM's mission to build cross-cultural, disciple-making leaders.



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