Our First Gala Event!

God has done so much in Baltimore Antioch Leadership Movement in just three years. He has blessed BALM’s mission to multiply Christ-centered, cross-cultural leaders for disciple-making movements for church planting and renewal for Baltimore and beyond.

BALM is addressing one of the biggest needs in our region: leadership. With over 80% of churches plateaued or declining (and this research statistic was before Covid-19) new ways of training leaders, reaching unbelievers, and reproducing disciples are needed.

We will share highlights of the last three years and future goals in our Gala Event on May 13, 2022, from 6:30-8:30 pm at Valley Presbyterian Church. Guests will enjoy a delicious banquet, hear from men and women impacted by BALM’s ministry, meet BALM staff, and be invited to pray for and support BALM. We'll be blessed by our emcee, Tracey Tiernan Coiro of SHINEFM and Your Day Brighter podcast.


MBS Inaugural Graduation Held


Our 2021 Annual Report