Do We Need the Church?

Do we need the church? Yes!

Scripture urges us not to neglect worshipping with other believers. (Heb. 10:25) But even secular research studies prove we need the church. Attending religious services is associated with greater longevity, less depression and suicide, less smoking and substance abuse, fewer divorces, greater social support and meaning in life, more volunteering and greater civic engagement. (Christianity Today, "Empty Pews are an American Public Health Crisis." 10.19.2021)

We love the church. BALM exists to strengthen the church and start new ones. BALM develops leaders through both formal and informal instruction:

1. Formal instruction –preaching, teaching at Metro Baltimore Seminary, leading seminars 

2. Coaching/mentoring – In addition to mentoring students at Metro Baltimore Seminary, BALM staff coach and mentor pastors, ministry spouses, and micro-church planters.


Looking Back …and Moving Forward!


Advancing, Not Retreating